Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Konnichiwa Dabian,

Can you say yes & no?
If not go back and reviewNewsletter #2.

Now its time for more common phrases that you will need to know.
How many of these have you already learned?

How are you? O-genki desu ka? (oh-GEN-kee dess-KAH?)
Fine, thank you. Genki desu. (GEN-kee dess)
What is your name? O-namae wa nan desu ka? (oh-NAH-mah-eh wah NAHN dess-KAH?)
My name is ____ . Watashi no namae wa ____ desu. (wah-TAH-shee no nah-mah-eh wa ____ dess)
Nice to meet you. Hajimemashite. (hah-jee-meh-MOSH-teh)
Excuse me. Sumimasen. (soo-mee-mah-sen)
I'm sorry. Gomen-nasai. (goh-men-nah-sigh)
I can't speak Japanese [well]. Nihongo [yoku] hanasemasen. (nee-hohn-goh [yo-koo] hah-nah-seh-mah-sen)
Do you speak English? Eigo o hanasemasuka? (AY-goh oh hah-nah-seh-moss-KAH?)
Is there someone here who speaks English? Dareka eigo o hanasemasuka? (dah-reh-kah AY-goh oh hah-nah-seh-moss-KAH?)
Help! Tasukete! (tah-soo-keh-teh!)
Look out! Abunai! (ah-boo-NIGH!)
Where is the toilet? Toire wa doko desu ka? (toy-reh wah DOH-koh dess kah?) *must learn this.. XD

Good Luck!

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